Certification and declaration
- mandatory confirmation of compliance of road construction materials and products with the safety requirements of TP TC 014/2011 “Road Safety”;
- mandatory confirmation of conformity of building materials and products for compliance with the safety requirements of TP 013/2009/BY “Buildings and structures, building materials and products. Safety”;
- mandatory confirmation of compliance of construction and installation works with the requirements of TP2009/013/BY “Buildings and structures, building materials and products. Safety”;
- voluntary confirmation of conformity of building materials and products in accordance with the scope of accreditation of the certification body.
The certification body is accredited in the National Conformity Assessment System of the Republic of Belarus and carries out its activities within the scope of accreditation.
220073, Minsk, 4-th Zagorodny lane, 60, room 513,
+375 (17) 259-83-57, +375 (17) 259-83-65
Head of the certification body - Deputy Director Rokalo Evgeny
Technical regulations of the Customs Union, for compliance with the requirements of which the certification body of the State Enterprise "BeldorNII" carries out confirmation of conformity of products (within the scope of accreditation)
- • ТР ТС 014/2011 “Road Safety”
Application forms and sample fillings
Application for products certification
Application for registration of declaration
Sample of filling the declaration of conformity
The procedure for drawing up a declaration of conformity
Technical regulations, for compliance with the requirements of which the certification body of the State Enterprise "BeldorNII" carries out confirmation of conformity of products (within the scope of accreditation)
- • ТР 2009/013/BY “Buildings and structures, construction materials and products Safety”
Application forms
Application for product certification
Application for work certification
Application for registration of a declaration
Confirmation of conformity in construction is carried out on the basis of:
- The Law of the Republic of Belarus dated October 24, 2016 No. 437-Z “On assessment of conformity with technical requirements and accreditation of conformity assessment bodies”
- The Resolution of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus dated July 25, 2017 No. 61 “On approval of the rules for confirming conformity of the national system for confirming conformity of the Republic of Belarus”
- The certification body for construction products and works (services) in construction concludes Certification Agreements with its Customers. The Certification Agreement stipulates the rights and obligations of both the certification body and the rights, obligations and liability of the Customer, including the use of the conformity mark
Amount of fee charged
The terms of payment are established by the contract with the customer. The cost of the work is determined on the basis of labor intensity standards approved by the director of the state enterprise "BeldorNII". The contract necessarily includes the terms of work by the certification body and the terms of payment.
Complaints and appeals procedure
Established in the Instructions on the consideration of complaints and appeals. Available for review upon request.
Conformity assessment procedure for TP TC 014/2011 using remote method
The temporary instructions for remote conformity assessment are available for review upon request.